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Sunday 16 August 2015

The Ear Nose And Throat Specialist and The Bad Ear

A bad ear or a case of tinnitus? When the full facts are not known, it is easy to miss the obvious. In this case, it was not so obvious, which is why I think it was missed.

Sylvia, not her real name, had suddenly one night been disturbed by a pain in her ears. Her sinuses and ears hurt a great deal, and she had a headache. There was a buzzing in her ears, and she felt unbalanced. She went to sleep, and when she awoke, she had a blocked feeling and pain in her left ear, and a bunged up feeling in her left eye and sinus area. She had become partially deaf in her left ear ever since. She had changed jobs a few months before this had happened, but apart from this one factor, there was nothing unusual that had occurred before the ear incident.

Sylvia also had some tummy trouble during this time. Regular visits to an acupuncturist and a change in diet took care of the tummy trouble and most of the sinus and eye issue, but the bad ear issue remained. Sylvia had been to an Ear Nose and Throat Consultant, who ran tests and told her he could find "nothing wrong" and was totally puzzled as to why she had gone partially deaf in her left ear, and why it was always feeling like it needed to pop (like one feels during atmospheric changes on an airplane).

After exhausting so many conventional and complementary health options, Sylvia came to see me for complementary or alternative sessions. I took a full history from her, recommended a course of sessions, and we started. In the first session, she wanted only Reiki, so there was not much talk. This lasted an hour. Now, I state the times and what we did to show how hidden the real problem, in my opinion, was. In the next session, we did some gentle kinesiology-based investigations and Emotional Freedom Techniques (Otherwise known as Tapping or EFT), as well as Reiki.

After some findings, it still was not enough to solve the riddle of what happened to Sylvia. The kinesiology-based investigations revealed unwanted germs in the area, most probably Candida, and I referred her onto a specialist professional for help with it. But I have had many clients with Candida, bad eyes and sinuses, and none of them were partially deaf because of it. And I had seen many clients. Still, a riddle cause. The second session was 90 minutes, so now the time total was two and a half hours. It was not until Sylvia said in the third session how much she liked her job that I asked her where she worked.

Well, she worked in a very noisy engineering firm, where she was not given any ear protection! And where she sat to do her work on the computer, there was a door near her left ear that opened regularly, where the workshop noise would be literally deafening. It took over three hours in 3 sessions before I found this out. I asked her if the ENT had diagnosed tinnitus, as by then, I had found out that she constantly had a buzzing in her left ear. And there was no such diagnosis. This diagnosis is important, as Sylvia needed to negotiate with her company, and if she decides at some stage in the future to sue the company, she needed this diagnosis. I advised her to go back to the ENT, tell him about the buzzing in the ear, and tell him about her work situation.

We did find a way to reduce the buzzing by 30 percent, and we did relieve her sinus and eye symptoms more completely, in case you were wondering.

My point is that the ENT, as a busy consultant, and Sylvia being a quiet, reserved person, did not have enough talking time together to find out the glaringly obvious. Of course, as a complementary practitioner, I cannot diagnose, but I am willing to bet almost anything that Sylvia has work-induced tinnitus. I would recommend that every busy consultant work with a complementary practitioner who would spend good time talking to and teasing information out of the client. Perhaps a group of consultants in a hospital can work together with an energy practitioner, who would investigate further on their behalf.

If Sylvia's case rings a bell for you (pun intended), do go back to your medical practitioner and fill them in on the history and details. If that seems too much, seeing a complementary practitioner who could write a letter to your medical practitioner on your behalf can also help.

© Suzanne Zacharia 2015, passionately spreading the healing news for health, happiness, and success. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE online course "5 Days To Change Your Life" at http://www.NewAgeInternationalTraining.com or http://www.NewAgeLondon.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Suzanne_Zacharia

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9134913

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