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Thursday 13 August 2015

Welcome to 2015, where tech can make everything terrifying

Two Jeep Grand Cherokee models during a hearing at the Transportation Department in Washington to determine whether automaker Fiat Chrysler has failed to remedy safety defects. Photograph: Luis M. Alvarez/AP
On Monday, thousands of people were outed as members of a dating site catering to unfaithful spouses after the theft of a database containing personal details of millions of user accounts. Other panicked users of Ashley Madison have already started to pre-emptively admit to loved-ones that they were members in an effort to stave off relationship destruction if the full database is ever released.

On Tuesday, hundreds of thousands of people were told to update the software on their cars after two security researchers wirelessly took control of a Jeep, cutting the brakes or turning off the engine all with the click of a button. Fortunately, so far the damage has been limited to one terrified Wired reporter mashing an unresponsive break pedal in an unsuccessful attempt to stop his car rolling slowly into a ditch. The researchers are yet to reveal the technical details of the hack, but plan to in three weeks.

On Wednesday, a German coder discovered a bug in the latest version of Mac OS X that can let anyone run software on one of Apple’s computers as though they are the administrator. The company apparently knew about the bug in June, when it issued a fix for the beta versions of its next operating system, El Capitan, but in doing so it revealed the existence of the gaping flaw to the world. At the same time as it said it wouldn’t be fixing consumers’ computers until September, leaving the hole open to attack for four months.

What is going to happen on Thursday? And what can you do to stop it? The answer is: practically nothing.

Welcome to 2015, where everything is terrifying.
We’re used to hearing all kinds of advice intended to help us battle against the tide of technological mishaps (or at least, lessen the damage when they occur). We’re told we should have complex passwords which we don’t re-use or write down; we should always install security updates as soon as they’re available; we should keep backups of our data in case our laptop is stolen or our hard drive corrupts; and we should be careful about what we click on, download, or view online.
This advice made us safer a decade ago, but the nature of the world we’re having to deal with has changed.

“Always use long, unique, passwords”, for example, was plausible in an age where we had one internet-connected device, and accounts on a small number of websites. But today it is impossible. So we are advised to store passwords in password managers, or to enable two-factor authentication, or even to use weak passwords on sites that don’t matter, to make it easier to remember long passwords on sites that do.

Installing security updates on your computer, meanwhile, has got easier as Apple and Microsoft have updated their operating systems to prioritise them. But at the same time, the number of devices in a typical house that can be hacked has risen enormously. You might be confident your computer is up to date – but do you know about your router, your set-top-box, or you smart thermostat? Do you even know whether the model of car you drive is capable of installing security updates?

And the conflicting, impossible advice continues. When you diligently make backups of your photographs, or let Apple or Google do so for you as it’s easier that way, you’ve protected yourself from losing those to a hard drive crash or a broken PC, but you’ve opened up new vulnerabilities. If you’re storing them on a cloud-based service which later gets hacked, you could find your cheeky nudes spread across the internet. As one problem is solved, a new one occurs just as quickly.

In 2015 much advice is moot, a hangover from an age when every technology report carried advice at the bottom of the story telling the reader what they should do with the news. Increasingly, the truth is that there is nothing you can do.

Vulnerabilities now occur less because of what an individual does, like giving away bank details to a phishing email, and more because of a failure in the services we rely on. Spotting where the weaknesses will occur is impossible.

No amount of judicious investigation could have revealed to a would-be adulterer that Ashley Madison was the dating site that would lose their details, and not OKCupid, Match.com or Tinder. No financial trader could have known that the New York Stock Exchange was going to suffer its crippling outage in early July, and no holidaymaker is able to pick which airline is liable to ground its entire fleet due to a software error, which happened to United Airlines earlier this month.

Of course, this unpredictability is a fact of life in the offline world.

The human body has a long-running unpatched vulnerability which means that being hit by two tonnes of metal traveling at 35 miles per hour can cause a permanent loss of data.

Until now it has been very difficult for a criminal, terrorist, or even just bad luck to exploit that vulnerability on hundreds or thousands of people at once. But as soon as you can remotely hack the brakes on all Jeeps, the scale of that vulnerability, and the ability to exploit it changes dramatically.

University of North Carolina professor Zeynep Tufekci argues that the reason these kind of vulnerabilities seem to be becoming increasingly common is the scrappiness of software development. “Software engineers do what they can, as fast as they can. Essentially, there is a lot of equivalent of ‘duct-tape’ in the code, holding things together,” she wrote after the NYSE outage.

But that’s worse, not better. “From our infrastructure to our privacy, our software suffers from ‘software sucks’ syndrome which doesn’t sound as important as a Big Mean Attack of Cyber-terrorists. But it is probably worse in the danger it poses.”

Not that increasing the amount of money we spend developing software could help. Any programmer will tell you about the “mythical man-hour”: the idea that if one coder can develop a program in 10 hours, then 10 coders can do the same work in one hour. Of course, the idea is bunk – but that’s never stopped managers from thinking that the bigger and more complex the development team, the better the result.

Perhaps the answer is to cut as much software out as possible – or at least, not connect it to the wider internet. Marta Janus, a security researcher at Kaspersky Lab, says that the news of the Jeep’s weakness means just that. “We should definitely reconsider the concept of the internet of things, and think carefully about which devices should be a connected to one another. Obviously, computers, smartphones and tablets would be next to useless without an internet connection, with their main purpose being to keep us connected in this digital world.

“But,” she asks, “what is the real advantage of having a car with access to the internet?

“In my opinion, transportation, together with industrial systems and other critical infrastructure, shouldn’t make use of public internet at all.”

Face it: software sucks and so there will always be vulnerabilities for hackers, and we have to live with that. As a result, maybe it’s worth dialing back our reliance on it just a little bit, so the next time you’re complaining about something crashing for some unfathomable reason, you can console yourself that it’s your computer – and not your car.

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