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Sunday 8 November 2015

PHCN’s liquidation: Electricity workers petition NBA

ELECTRICITY workers have petitioned the Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, urging it to prevail on its member, Mr. Joe Gadzama (SAN), to allow due process for the labour issues agreed upon between the Federal Government and the unions in the power sector in the privatization of the defunct Power Holding Company for Nigeria, PHCN, to be resolved.
The workers, on the platform of the National Union of Electricity Employees, NUEE, in the petition to NBA General Secretary, claimed that the  lawyer is insisting on liquidating PHCN eventhough his contractual agreement which he is relying on to liquidate PHCN expired on October 18, 2015, without renewal.
NUEE in the petition through its General Secretary, Mr. Joe Ajaero, dated October 30-10-15,  read in part: “Our worries stem from five basic issues viz: The so-called Contractual Agreement which he is laying claim to liquidate PHCN expired on October 18, 2015. However, he served his notice of liquidation on October 23, 2015. It becomes a mystery the source of his power to liquidate PHCN. Meanwhile, the so called agreement has not been renewed. He claimed to have met with the employees and their representatives for their consent but this claim is totally false. We never met with them.”

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