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Wednesday 18 November 2015

Sprint wants you on its network so bad, it will cut your bill in half

Sprint wants you on its network so bad, it will cut your bill in half

Along with launching its new LTE Plus network, Sprint is hoping to lure in new customers by offering 50% off your current AT&T, Verizon or T-Mobile plan pricing.

In the most simple terms, this means that if you switch from another carrier to Sprint, the carrier will offer you the same plan you were on for half the cost.

Meaning if you are on a $20 shared data AT&T plan that offers 300MB of data, Sprint will give you the same deal plan for $10, or the option to choose another AT&T plan tier for half the cost as well.

It's a similar promotion to last year's "Cut Your Rate Plan" deal, but this time, Sprint won't require you to trade in your current phone and is also offering up to $650 as a gift card for termination fees you might face when switching.

Sprint is also including T-Mobile customers into the mix this time, likely in hopes of going up against the Uncarrier's recently announced plan pricing changes and its new Binge On feature.

The carrier is also letting new customers try out their new LTE Plus network for a trial period of 28 days.

Simple or complicated?

Unfortunately, T-Mobile is only offering the 50% off deal to new customers, though existing customers will get a free tablet with a year's service for free, though the carrier hasn't detailed which tablet it will be.

For new customers, the promotion isn't as simple as it may at first seem, as each different carrier's plans have their own fine print detailing how they handle overage fees, and Sprint is seemingly carrying these differences over to its own 50% offer.

Also note that you will only be offered the rate card from the carrier you are transferring from, so a T-Mobile customer will only be offered 50% off of T-Mobile plans - an AT&T customer won't be able to jump on a T-Mobile plan rate.

The promotion also doesn't include all the plans from the different carriers, with T-Mobile's $95 unlimited plan is missing from the half-price off offer.

However, Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure explained that it wasn't included as the company believes it's own $70 unlimited plan offers a great deal to begin with. It also means that a pretty amazing $47 unlimited plan won't be available to just transferring T-Mobile customers.

Still, while we suggest looking into the fine print, as well as network coverage in your area, you could end up with a pretty decent saving on your monthly bill.

The promotion starts this Friday and runs up until January 7, 2016, with the prices to remain the same for the life of your 2-year contract.

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