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Friday 22 January 2016

Apple just dropped a massive hint that it's got plans for virtual reality

Apple just dropped a massive hint that it's got plans for virtual reality

Apple's yet to enter the VR (virtual reality) market, but with a number of its rivals exploring the sector it would be no surprise if the Cupertino firm stepped into the arena - and a recent hire suggests it's already making movements.

Forbes reports Apple has just hired professor Doug Bowman, a top researcher in VR from Virginia Tech.

Bowman's profile shows he's had experience with 3D interfaces for both augmented reality (like Google Glass and Microsoft Hololens) and fully immersive VR (like HTC Vive and Oculus Rift).

He joins a number of other VR focussed hires at Cupertino as Apple amasses a strong team of experts.


Apple has previously submitted patent applications for virtual reality headsets, although we're yet to see evidence of any hardware off the back of these.

It's certainly up to something though, and with the highly regarded Bowman now onside it's clear that Apple is thinking about how it can make its mark in VR.

We'd love to see Apple kick off its VR adventure at the iPhone 7 launch in September, with a headset accessory much like Samsung's Gear VR starting what we hope is the first of many VR products.

Wishful thinking? Perhaps, but let us dream.

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