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Monday, 2 November 2015

How To Recover Files From Infected Memory Card Or Flash Drive

How to view hidden files on flash drive
You should not discard that infected or corrupted memory card or
flash drive just because you can’t access your files on them any
longer. Relax as this tutorial guide will show you how to retrieve
your personal files from any corrupted SD card or flash drive.
show hidden files on
infected drives

How Can I Recover My Files From Infected Memory Card or Flash
Show Hidden Files On Infected Drives – How to find hidden files
on flash drive
1. Plug that infected or corrupted USB Flash drive or Memory
Card or any other USB storage device that is affected. Head over
to ‘My Computer’ page and take note of the alphabet representing
the storage device such as E:/ F:/ G:/ or H:/ etc.
2. Start the command box using the WIN+R key, alternatively you
can achieve this by going through: Start>>All
Programs>>Accessories>>Click Command Prompt. In newer
version of Microsoft Windows, you can type in ‘cmd’ in the
search box that pops up when you click Start.
3. Type G: (replace G with your own drive alphabet) followed by
Enter. This will display a blinking line scrolling down to display
display E:>. After this step, type in attrib -s -h -r /s /d followed
by Enter. This same blinking line should scroll down again.
4. Head over to your drive location on the PC, you will able to
see all your hidden files now.
If you don’t have any ideas while the files were hidden, try to
scan your entire PC hard drive for viruses.

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