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Saturday, 9 January 2016

Everyone is talking about new social network Peach

Everyone is talking about new social network Peach

A new social network dropped today from the founder of Vine, one that's already taking Twitter (of which it takes queues from) by storm.

Peach is a free app on iOS that lets you post updates for friends to see, like you would on the other aforementioned social network. It's more than just words though: you can post photos, GIFs, videos, links, share the weather (!), where you're at, what show you're about to watch and even how many steps you've taken that day.

But Peach is also akin to Slack in that it has Magic Words that open a *fun* world of possibilities.

Typing "shout" lets you write in big blown up letters on a colored background with an emoji. "Draw" does what you think it would, "song" lets you share what you're listening to with others, who can tap on it to listen themselves, and "rate" will let you rate literally anything between one and five stars.

GIF, here, goodmorning, goodnight, battery, dice, safari are also Magic Words, and Peach promises more are on the way. If you're out of ideas on what to post - common problem, we know - you can hit the lightbulb for some inspiration.

And, in a nod to Facebook, you can also give friends a little virtual nudge by sending them an emoticon like a slice of cake, a 100, or a boop - literally a nose and finger. How else would you say, "I'm thinking of you"?

The app also has an accompanying website, Peach.cool, which doesn't do anything except tell you about the app and direct you to the App Store, but it may be up in preparation for a web version to come.

Is this going to replace Twitter and Facebook? Probably not, especially since it's only available on iOS, at least for now, and a lot of people are apparently signing up using celebrity usernames. Is it a fun thing to try out this weekend? We say "boop" to that.

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