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Monday, 4 January 2016

This Luke Skywalker Twitter account is much funnier than Emo Kylo Ren

This Luke Skywalker Twitter account is much funnier than Emo Kylo Ren

Considering the level of hype we've seen around The Force Awakens, episode VII of the Star Wars series, it's perhaps no surprise that the Twitter parody accounts are out in (ahem) force. Before you read on we should warn you that mild spoilers for the new film follow.

Very Lonely Luke

First came Emo Kylo Ren (@kylor3n) but now there's a worthy challenger in the form of Very Lonely Luke (@VeryLonelyLuke). The latter picks up on the troubled Jedi master's rather remote and lonely existence, as revealed near the end of Episode VII.

Very Lonely Luke

Lonely Luke's tweets are fatalistic and philosophical throughout, musing on the angst that comes with having Darth Vader as a father and the weight of expectation associated with (perhaps) being the last Jedi Knight in the galaxy.

"Same Sith different day"

There are also jabs at the Dark Side and plenty of black humour: "Same Sith different day", "I Netflix and die alone" etc. Obviously don't browse through the feed if you don't want to read any spoilers about The Force Awakens.

Very Lonely Luke

We're yet to find out who's behind the account but it seems worldwide fame isn't Luke's aim. "Sometimes I think about how my life would be different if I had more followers," he tweets. "It would not be different at all. I would still be alone."

Very Lonely Luke

For our money the dour Very Lonely Luke is funnier than Emo Kylo Ren, but he's losing the battle in terms of follower numbers: 96.5k to 561k.

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